Tutanchamon's mask

Tutanchamon's mask was in Tutanchamon's krypt with some another treasures. There were chairs, throne from gold and silver, some beds, chests, sandals and gloves, vases and statues, hampers on food, pitchers on vine and pitchers with ointments, box, jewels, gold and silver bars, sceptres, lamps and fan from ostrich's feathers for repel flyes. Portrait's mask was made of wrought and furbish masiv gold metalplate. Mask is 54 cm high, 39,3 cm broad and 49 cm deep. It was on head and on shoulders Tutanchamon's mummy, on canvas bandage, with what was covered all body. Mummyficition had two purporsts: conserve body for new soul in the other world and make god Usir's face for rebirth and for take government in land of dead people. Artefact is from a period, when god Usir in this function displaced Re. Mummy's burial gear mean be same like Re's gear in Sun's cult in pyramid's period. His body was of gold and his hair of lapis of lazula. Maybe, that Tutanchamon's mask with gold face and neck, with eyebrow and eyelash of lapis of lazula with eye from aragonit and obsidian is proof of survive original cult. It is very difficult to decide how mask render Tutanchamon's face. All young look of portrait and every trait is the same picture, which we can see on mummy. It's maybe few ideal, but real portrait from some last years of faraon's life.

hamper - koš
pitcher - džbán
ointment - mast
screptre - žezlo
fan - vějíř
repel - odhánět
wrought - tepaný
furbish - leštěný
metalplate - plech
canvas - plátěný
bandage - obvaz
displaced - nahrazovat
burial - pohřební
render - zachycovat
trait - rys


Maturita.cz - referát (verze pro snadný tisk)