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On The Road - Jack Kerouac

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On the Road
Jack Kerouac

The famous novel On the Road is the „Bible“ of the Beat generation, the movement, which is grew in 50’ in United States. „The Beats“ answered to the situation in USA by protests against the consumers, civilization conveniences and conventions, they criticized the life style of the people from the „middle class“. They lived very free style of life and propagated return to the nature.

It’s autobiography and Jack Kerouac comes Sal Paradis.
Sal Paradis is writer and he meet his big friend, Dean Moriarty. Dean asks him to learn write a novels and they start their long journey across whole America. Sal is very gentle, sensitive and vulnerable than Dean, who is very egoist and he is full of contrasts and vitality. Sal very admires Dean. This novel hasn’t a plot, it’s still describe of the sceneries, nature and places, where Sal and Dean are caught on their „Road“. Sal falls in love with mexican girl Theresa and they live their big love. In the end of the story Sal has a quarrel with Dean and he leaves his friends and Theresa and he continues on his journey alone.

You can meet many persons of the beat comunity, with bums and many ordinary people in the story. The main reason of the book is describe life of the Beats, full of drugs, art, poetry, gladness of life and finding of the lost innocence. This novel describe ambition of man for better and lucky life and liberty.